Do you pole primp? Also, a word on Thinx.

Anther throwback to 2012 from my draft folder.

Some updates: well, there’s really two: 1. I’m now obsessed with bringing multiple pairs of socks to class (it’s a floorwork and flex thing), and 2: I’m now a FIRM believer in Thinx.

(IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not sponsored post or anything. Bae got me some on request for Christmas because they are $$$ and I naturally tried them out and have feelings).

First, the bad: if you have a booty, you’re going to have a gluteal fold situation with Thinx, even the boy shorts. Actually especially that style, because they’re cut very straight. But I bought them because the elastic situation on the bikinis is trill and I didn’t want VPL.

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Bikini! I was pleasantly surprised that the tan version was black on the inside…
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but yikes, this isn’t exactly seamless.
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the elastic situation is intense here. Jeans only!

So re: the cut on the boyshorts: I was… not happy about this, and actually want to return them. Thinx was really nice about this and just refunded the cost to my boyfriend, let us keep the two pairs we had already bought, and just had us order two more in the next size up separately. (Which still had a gluteal fold situation, so, whatever, I don’t wear them under dresses or tight skirts, but they’re fine under jeans and obvi pole shorts).

They look like little tap pants!
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But under the hood, they’re matte. And there’s nothing weird inside. how???

But setting that aside for a minute, let’s talk pole and periods. Periods used to be a huge issue for me while teaching, because all eyes were on me, and a class sees your butt as often as your face while you’re demonstrating stuff. I still get self-conscious while taking classes during my period because now that I’m doing a lot of inverts in class, I’m getting a lot of spots with someone’s face in my crotch. That’s just a fact of life.

***TMI alert*** I use the Instead cup because it’s way cheaper and more comfortable than tampons, and one cup (with twice a day rinsing/cleaning) lasts me my whole period. A box of these (12) costs like eight bucks, and that means I buy a box ONCE a year. That’s way less shopping for tampons, way less boxes under my sink, and it means packing exactly one very slim item when I’m going away for a few days and expecting period action. (I paused over this for several moments waiting for a more graceful way to express “period action” to come to me, but it didn’t. Sorry).

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Instead Cup in packaging.
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Totally not scary, and very purse-friendly! Wrapper=impervious to water bottle condensation.

ANYWAY, the trouble with these little MFers (and with Diva Cups too, I’ve heard), is that they don’t leak at all, unless they do, and then it’s a SITUATION. Like, for them to leak, the seal breaks, and all hell breaks loose. It’s a Shining moment.

So that means for the first day or two of my period, I need to wear a pad just in case. Which is obnoxious because usually I don’t have a leak, and then I wore a pad for nothing. And that’s terrible because 1. pads are expensive, and 2. pads fucking suck for moving around and will ruin your pole time for you. They make sounds, they’re bulky, they twist, they get disgusting when you sweat…. I could go on, but I won’t.

So I usually skip my pole classes during my period.

[I mean i know, wah wah, I should just suck it up and go. But I usually think twice and don’t, if I’m being honest.]

Thinx changed that.

  1. They don’t budge with twisting, moving, putting your feet behind your head, etc.
  2. They seal in nastiness. Sorry, TMI, but both period and crotch sweat are contained. It’s unfreaking believable.
  3. No smells. Your teacher can have her face 3 inches away from the Danger Zone and you don’t have to be concerned. You’ll be dry, smell-less, and totally covered.
  4. They look and feel totally normal. You just go to class, do your thing, and don’t give your period a second thought.

Granted, I haven’t tried them NOT as backup, but for my purposes, I now consider them absolutely essential to maintaining my polin’ lifestyle 12 weeks out of the year. I’m even tempted to wear them NOT when I’m period-ing because they’re cute, secure, and they prevent that little spot of butt sweat (!!!).

Have you tried them? Would you?

I know they’re super fucking expensive, but I don’t see myself ever going back to pads. Maybe they’ll pay for themselves that way?

Anyway, now that I’ve gone WAY off topic–this was my “get ready to teach a pole class” checklist from 2012.


A few things I do to get ready:

1. Eat.

This technically isn’t about beauty, but fainting is not a good look.

**** 2017 update: I have utterly exhausted my tolerance for “bars” of any kind, so I try to keep a chocolate Muscle Milk or something in my bag on class days. They’re not GREAT warm, but… they’re faster and tastier to get down than some shitty Fiber One thing, so, I like em. They also go good with bananas.

2. Brush my teeth

I get a lot of sandwiches with pesto. And students get all up in my grill with questions (I play my music too loud, I’ll admit it).

****2017 update: because I now sometimes work out like 3 times a day, eating takes priority over brushing. I tend to grab an apple now on the way to class if I’m feeling some sandwich remnants happening.

3. Deodorize/scent

Sweating happens, so, deodorant happens first. A little body splash if I’m feeling fancy. You’re welcome.

****2017 update: I completely don’t bother with this. But word to the wise: anti-microbial underwear are currently my jam for 3+ hour class binges. No spritzes or swipes of anything required.

4. Amp up the makeup a little

A little eyeliner, a little lipstick, a little fluff of the hair… getting in character helps me face a class, especially after a long day!

****I’m now into taking OFF my makeup with a towelette or some micellar water and a cotton pad, then smearing on a little BB cream if my skin is looking no bueno. Sweating through fresh makeup>sweating through old, set-with-powder makeup.

5. Tweak the wardrobe

Roll the shorts, adjust the shirt, check the back for VPL

****I still totally do this. Gotta look cute to feel yourself in those freestyles!

What’s your pre-pole routine?

Repurposing Stripper Heels

Exhibit A: Halloween costume

I was an Ashley Madison Bot.

Love proving I can walk in heels without committing to them for a full day (I switched to boots later and no fucks were given, unlike with a real outfit that requires them. Looking at you, culottes).


Someone threw a beanbag at me while this photo was being taken. I caught it because I’m a motherfucking boss.

bot from behind

This QR code worked, P.S.IMG_4028

This photo doesn’t have anything to do with stripper shoes but is notable because it’s the first time I copied internet makeup and had it come out!

I was specifically trying to get the gears to look like gears and not black flowers. I didn’t have the dope glitter this makeup artist used so I did my own thing with eyes and face. Pretty pleased! (But seriously get the full tutorial from this chica here, she’s good!)

How was everybody’s halloween? I saw some promos for some pretty awesome pole shows going around but I’ve been swamped with homework 😐


The pole accessory you never knew you needed: LED LIGHTS.

You guys. This is not a drill. This exists:


You guys.

A dude I’m dating… I come out of the bathroom and he’s holding an envelope and a wrapped box. In the envelope is an extremely sizeable gift certificate to B&P that I still don’t think I can accept and THIS: LED LIGHTS FOR MY POLE.

Of course we put it on immediately and he held up his phone so we could test the “syncs with music” feature. TOTALLY WORKS. It was meant as a gag gift, but, to be honest… it made my apartment look like a strip club and I don’t hate that.

What do you think?IMG_3602


Here’s how it works with music:

Also, we can all agree that this guy is husband material, yes?

Speaking of gifts, my momma got me THESE:

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They came wrapped in a fancy box wrapped tissue paper and I feel like a friggin princess.


Okay so I admit this wasn’t the hugest surprise because I went to the store with her to try them on. And wow, so glad I did–I thought I’d put on a pair and love them and the end, but I had to try on three styles, which was everything they had (this was Utica). I was also a size nine (I’m a 7.5/8 street shoes!) because I apparently have a long big toe (???), so, get yo’ shoes picked out for you by a pro, yo! They know what they’re doing.

Do you guys have a pole wish list? This is everything I wanted and then some (ie. I didn’t know I needed my pole to light up but I SO DO).

Video: how people walk around a pole for the first time

I was bored today so I made a video of the various odd ways new polers have walked around the pole in my classes.

No hate… I definitely was a #3 in the beginning myself. But a cute walk adds SO much to your dancing. It’s worth practicing!

Pole resolutions? Also: FREE GRIP GLOVES.

Here’s mine: I want to start uploading a freestyle vid a week, with different prompts, for the rest of the month!

Do you guys ever do that exercise? You use a word like “heavy” or a body party like “hands” to focus on, and use it as an intention. It’s fun!

Anyway, there’s that, and I want to start incorporating flex classes back into my routine.

Goals for the year: right side splits, aerial invert (pretty sure this is the same one from last year, whoops), and graduating to the next level in my pole classes.

What’s your big resolution?grip gloves

And would anybody like a pair of grip gloves? They’re size small and tacky (ie. meant for inverts or poses, not spinning), Might Grip brand. They work fine, but I think I prefer bare hands. They look like dis, in black ======>

Let me know via the “contact” button up above! If I get more than one request I’ll draw names out of a hat or something.

PS. CHOPPED MY HAIR. Anybody else goinshort hair don't careg through some ch-ch-changes for the New Year?

Happy 2015!

My belly dance troupe at Rakkasah East!

Some spacing issues buuuuut, not bad for how nervous we were! 😀

Really excited for the next show because our new choreo is inspired by the gang (lite) movie The Warriors, and our custom is basically tribal fusion street wear (re: black pants and BASEBALL CAPS, wheeeee). Of course I was thrilled about this because it’s just the excuse I needed to own snapback… which I immediately bought from a street vendor two blocks away from the studio on the way home from rehearsal. THAT IS HOW EXCITED I WAS TO BUY A SNAPBACK.

snapback 1 snapback 2

It feels really good to finally own some Brooklyn swag because I’ve earned it. This fall marks my 8th anniversary in BK… and I have yet to live in Williamsburg, Prospect Park, or Park Slope! (So far it’s been Bed Stuy (2 places), Clinton Hill, Fort Greene (but like, the bad side of Myrtle), Sunset Park/Borough Park (where I famously got groped), and finally, Bay Ridge).

Oh, this is off topic, but ALSO on my home last night (after my snapback purchase) I saw this severely-injured looking mannequin at a TopShop in Soho. Like, what happened here?

It’s not 1994 anymore, why are we still seeing Skeletors in store windows? Just saying.


mannequin 2

And to further cement this post’s status as Most Scattered Blog of All Time, did everybody see the Black Friday sale happening at Body and Pole?

I don’t know about you guys, but I really can’t afford their normal $40/1.5 hour class rate, so I am ALL OVER IT.

Also, out of towners–they do “staycation” packages where you can train as much as you want during a weeklong visit, and THAT is on sale too. Worth looking into!


16 times that dancing is the literal worst.

1. When you get a note you don’t understand (what does “quiet collarbones” mean I should do?)

2. When you go over the hard part of a dance over and over and then mess up the easy part in a performance.

3. When your teacher says, “one more time!” for the 900th time and you’re starting not to believe her.

4. When your feet are dirty and you have to put your nice flats on.

5. When “warm ups” are code for “flexibility contest” (it’s a silent contest, but a contest nonetheless).

6. When a sequence is so fast that if you think, you just missed it.

7. When you get multiple notes at the same time and you can’t seem to do one without messing up the other (your shoulders lift when you try to straighten your knees, your feet flex when you try to keep your face soft, AHHHH MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING).

8. When a movement just doesn’t look the same on your body as it does on your teacher’s.

9. When you randomly can’t do the thing you totally did yesterday.

10. When your body just flat out won’t do something and you have little hope that it ever will. (Re: dinosaur arms.).

11. When the floor is too sticky, the pole is too cold, and nothing is working.

12. When you learn a dance in class and try to practice it home but blank out on 3/4s of it.

13. When you’re waiting in line to do something in front of the class that you’re definitely going to suck at.

14. When the teacher calls out a correction for “some people” and you look down and you’re the one who lost your turn out.

15 .When you remember to pack everything except your sports bra.

16. When you only nail it if no one’s looking and you forgot to hit “record.”

Now your turn!

I took a stage makeup class and all I got was a gorgeous makeover and new skills for life.

It was pretty awesome.

First, Le Results.

Here are a few shots of me modeling in soft, romantic fluorescent light of my litchenbedroom (I live in a studio). I didn’t think to show you my eyes closed because, naturually, my number one concern while taking photos is making sure my nose doesn’t take up 3/4ths of the shot. Sorry! #priorities


I woke up like this. (LOL JK this took 45 mins).
I woke up like this. (LOL JK this took 45 mins).

Before this I was trying to get a clear shot of the makeup in the bathroom for a long time, and my face started getting tired. My smile became kind of… demented… and I rolled with it.

Trying to be pretty is tiring.


True story: I used to make faces at my ex-boyfriend all the time while being silly and he would suddenly get really serious and say, “That was too scary, never do that face again.”

ANYWAY. This makeup class was two hours long, and offered at my bellydance studio, taught by the director of the school.

K, a teacher and performer, used to do 5 shows a day in Las Vegas in the same face of makeup, so clearly she knew her pencil eyeliner from her potted to her liquid felt-tip. The first hour was spent watching in awe as she applied her typical stage face, which was awkward, but informative. It’s not very often you get to openly gape at another dancer while she does her makeup and not get a strange look.

True Story #2: speaking of dancers putting on makeup, part of the reason I decided to take this class was because of a passive aggressive comment one of my dance idols made before our last show. She came up behind me in the dressing room while I was digging through my makeup bag, and thinking she needed the mirror, I immediately cleared a spot for her. But she said, “No, no, I’m fine–did you do your own makeup?” and I totally fan-girled and turned red and said yes, yes I did (OMG SHE LIKES MY MAKEUP??!!!). And then she sighed and walked away. “We really have to offer that makeup class at Bellyqueen again.”


So anyway, I decided to take the class–the second, more hilarious half of which was spent using our own supplies to try and do anything resembling what we had just been shown. The steps were as follows.


-Moisturizer (always, K said we should let it soak in for 10 minutes before doing anything else)

-Primer (Yas, suction cup your makeup to yo’ face!)

-Eyelid primer (I dismissed this as prissy and unnecessary until Kaeshi put a little on her hand and then applied some blue eyeshadow over it–which look very intense, highly pigmented, and practically opaque. She then applied some of the same eyeshadow on the bare skin next to the patch of primer and it look about 5 shades lighter and completely see-through. ALRIGHTY THEN. [buys all of the eyelid primer])

-Foundation (K applied this with a brush, a technique I fully endorse)

-Concealer (zits, etc)

-Powder (set that ish!)

-Eyebrows (There is some science to this! Did you know your brow should arch just over the outside rim of your pupil? And try this trick: hold a pencil parallel to your nose at the nostril: that’s where you eyebrow should start. Then hold it diagonally from your nostril to the outisde of you pupil. That’s where your eyebrow should end. Actually fuck it, here is a picture).

-Eye shadow highlight (You probably know this trick–champagne/white/silvery shimmer shadow under the brow bones and in the inner corner of your eyes. This will contrast with your darker shadows to give more dimension (re: highs and lows) to your face that stage lighting will wash out)

-Eye liner (complicated, I’ll revisit this)

-Eye shadow, tri color (FINALLY something I know about. I’ve been doing the brown bone/crease/outside corner trick practically out of the womb. But turns out… my technique was lacking–K said I needed to bring my dark “crease” shade a lot higher up, since I was trying to keep it safe and close to my lid. She was right, of course.)

-Eye lashes (Note: fuck these. They are gorgeous, but so unwieldy.)

-Contouring (Kim Kardashian killed any interest I had in manipulating the look of my bone structure but I grudgingly did it).

-Blush (Apples of the cheeks only, bitches, it’s 2014.)

-Lip liner

-Lipstick (the kind you can practically peel off like nail polish for children, ie. Cover Girl Outlast, etc.)

So those are the steps… but now let me impart on you my biggest stage makeup breakthroughs (since, come on, we all know how to put on basic makeup).

Dat gap. (between top and bottom eye lines, not thighs).
Dat gap. (between top and bottom eye lines, not thighs). And yes that IS the Verazzano Bridge, thanks for noticing.


1. Connecting your top and bottom eye lines makes your eyes look tiny

The pros leave a SPACE. (I know, my mind was blown too). And for extra points, use that light colored eyeshadow you popped on your brown bone to further define the little space. Use a small brush or Q-tip.

Here how ya do it: start by lining your lower lash line. Continue the line (keeping the same angle) past your lash line. Then, starting from mid lashline on the top, start drawing a line and pull it out parallel to your bottom line. Fill it in and bring it up to the inside corner of your eye. SHAZAM.

2. You can get away with cheap-ass eye shadow if you have a good primer

For stage make up especially (where you need to see that shit coming and going from 200 feet), pigment is everything. But pigment is pricey, and we can’t all afford K’s magical trunk of MAC goodness. This is where dropping a little cash on a good eye shadow primer up front will help you get tons of use out of the crappy eye shadow you already have: it grabs and holds the pigment (however little), making it appear super intense, and keeping it on your face.

I used Urban Decay… Potion… something or other? It worked well!

3. Contouring for stage isn’t just about making your face skinny or tanned-looking like IRL

It’s about replacing the natural high-and-low dimensions that stage lighting will wipe out. Ditto for the eybrows and lashes and lips. Stage makeup is a little different than your everyday “look-young-and-rosy-and-doe-eyed” game. Your eyebrows, for example, have to be clearly defined so that the audience can see you lift or scrunch them. They’re as much a part of your dance expression as fingers or a pointed toe. Same goes for eyes and lips–the makeup simply makes them visible, so you really can’t be shy about highlighting them.

4. You can reuse eyelashes

What?! I didn’t know this. You just need to wash the glue off gently after a wear. That makes me feel a lot better dropping $20 bucks on a pair at Sephora.

So that’s all the knowledge I have to drop on you guys! Speaking of Sephora, I completely spent $150 I don’t have on new makeup in a pre-show panic Saturday. But I’m now the proud owner of a proper pot of eyeliner, quality lashes, a single pan eyeshadow (NOT PART OF A KIT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS, WHAT), a new angle brush, and a general mishmash of overpriced, undersized products.

Do you have a go-to stage look? A favorite product? Can you reassure me that higher-end products are indeed worth their insane price points?


Pole and your FEET.

My foot is NOT IMPRESSED with my pole dancing accessories.

I know right?

Not something you think would really be the focus of pole–what it’s like for your feet.

But all the toe pointing and heel-wearing and foot dragging can really do a number on your tootsies.

I mean, let me just flat out make a list:

1. It destroys my toe-polish, but JUST on  my big toe.

Like, what? Actually I know exactly why this happens, I drag my toe when I walk (pole walk, that is). Whatever, it looks hot. Sacrifices!

2. It makes my big toe/arch spasm

All the toe pointing in pole makes my arches/big toes freak out and cramp… which is not a good look when you’re in a graceful pose, your foot just twitching and flexing into a claw formation… ugh. And it’s PAINFUL.

3. I have gotten huge bubbly blisters on the balls of my feet

Actually, this was just one time, when I was working REALLY hard on my pirouettes, and my pole was in a room with carpet. That said, the balls of my feet still get warm/sensitive/burny when I’m doing a lot of flow work, which is annoying.

Ahh, that’s better. PS. the winter-time alternative to Yoga Toes are THESE SOCKS OF SEXINESS. Whatever, they feel so good you guys…

4. General ugliness

Dusty floors, mang. They dry your feet into these hobbity husk things. It’s like your feet are wearing leather jackets, but, like, made from your own dried foot skin. Ew. Also, your feet get DIRTY.

5. Top of the foot bruises

Ugly, and not a great combo with slip on shoes.

Does that about cover it? Okay, so here’s what I do for each of the above foot issues (and if you have solutions, be a good person and share your tricks in the comments!!!):

1. Wear clear/light-colored polish

So that one worn down spot at the top of each big toe nail is less obvious.

2.  Wear Yoga Toes all. the. time.

(And check out Kim’s awesome post on cramping…)

I even sleep in them, which I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do. But most helpful of all, I point and flex my toes while wearing them, and that seems to retrain/strengthen my foot muscles to like, point the way they should, without getting confused and cramping. (I’M NOT A DOCTOR OKAY). Oh PS, you don’t need the real ones, knock offs are good too!

3. Stop pirouetting so damn much.

I mean seriously, half the problems I have with injuries/bruises/discomfort is a direct result of ignoring my body’s signals and pounding away at whatever I’m working on way. too much. Alternatively, you can just live with the temporary pain and let your skin get tougher, which works too.

4. Oy, not much.

I mean like, Ped Egg and the classic vaseline/socks combo helps with dryness. But that really doesn’t solve the problem of having to put yucky black feet into your super cute new sandals after a class. Yucky. You’re on your own, girl.

5. Flip flops and PRIDE

Bruises are our badges of honor! That doesn’t change just because they’re on your feet.

Okay so your turn… any foot weirdness from pole?

I kinda hate heels except for photo ops, but I’m sure they wreak all kinds of havoc…

