Where do you read about dance? (BESIDES this amaze blog of course)

(tl;dr: SURVEY IS HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/dancenews)

JK, this blog has been sorely, sorely neglected so I know you have other sources of info!

I’m working on a grad school project to hopefully create the most perfect Frankensite for dance the world has ever seen (just go with me), and I need your help!

I want to know your current obsessions, pet peeves, and general lifestyle stuff in 12 fun, short questions.

Please answer them and I’ll be extremely, extremely grateful.

Sharing with other pole or dance peoples would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much and please feel free to drop some comments below too if you have additional thoughts. I want to learn as much as I can about what other people are using for dance news!

Survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/dancenews


PS. Here’s a random video of bae eating a pancake we burnt the shit out of to express my gratitude!!

And also a video of him attempting a headstand on a soft, uneven surface:


What are your pole problems?

Please tell me! Email is fine too 🙂 just click my “contact me” box so I don’t have to put it out here in front of everybody.

I’m working on a school project to potentially solve a problem for a niche audience (obviously I chose my pole fam), but first, I’d like to know what annoys you about polin’.

(that just autocorrect to “polio”… yikes, that puts things into perspective).


-Do you feel anxious about sharing pole pics and videos with EVERYONE vs. just a few dance people on social media?

-Do you worry about sharing progress pics/video knowing you’re not “perfect” yet?

-Do you feel bored and uninspired rehearsing by yourself?

-Do you have a place to store moves you’ve worked on/track advancement?

-Do you need a new way to show people your skills? (Photos/video of you in the studio is looking boring?)

Or anything else?

Also, hope you had a very spoopy Halloween 😀



Re: My Personal Pole Heroes, Here’s that Video of Nicole at Hudson Valley Pole Arts

Remember I said I was making a video about a favorite pole instructor of mine? It’s here!!

I first met Nicole while I was feverishly taking Groupon-fueled classes about 6 months into my illustrious pole career. She was teaching at Sacred in Brooklyn (which has sadly discontinued its pole program) and I remembered her long after the studio closed for the following reasons:

  1. She’s cool and hilarious
  2. She’s incredibly compassionate and patient with struggling students (Hi! Me.)
  3. She BELIEVES in you (and she’ll teach you some hard-ass stuff that you were about to nope right out of except for her absolute confidence in you. And then lo and behold, you’re doing chopsticks and she’s doing an adorable happy dance).
  4. She’s sexy af (Nicole is one of those cool teachers who layers optional twerking onto all moves and seamlessly transitions from slinky across the floor stuff to hanstands against the wall in warm ups)
  5. Her taste in music is BOSS
  6. Her general humbleness and down to earthness despite a seriously intimidating skillset is endearing and rare

Nicole did something truly badass when Sacred closed its pole doors, and started her own studio. It’s kind of far (in Kingston) so it wasn’t until I had a truly good excuse, like a class project, that I was able to visit her in her new space.

Huge thanks to Nicole for letting me camp out in her space and awkwardly film inanimate objects for several minutes at a time, then ask her all kinds of questions over and over.

It’s a beautiful space and I think Nicole’s amazing personality shines through here, so I seriously encourage you to check out her studio if you’re ever in the area. And if you’re NOT in the area, you need to be following her on socials anyway because she’s a f***ing riot and her combo videos are fire.

Hope you like this little video!


Music Monday: We Don’t Talk Anymore, Charlie Puth

Love Charlie. You’ve probably heard “Marvin Gaye” and “One Call Away,” but “we don’t talk anymore” has a bittersweet, melancholy quality to it that makes it SO perf for dancing.

I also recommend jamming to “Suffer,” which is seeeeeeexxxxxxxy. The first version is my favorite, but second is yummy too, for different reasons.



I want to show you a video but I caaaaan’t yet

Guys, I’m working on this DOPE video project right now in collaboration with Nicole Duquette of the GORGEOUS Hudson Valley Pole Arts space in Kingston, NY.

(In case you don’t believe me: )


First of all, as a person, a videographer could not ask for a better subject than Nicole. She really helps draw people who aren’t into pole right into whatever she’s talking about because she’s so warm and passionate.

This is how Nicole feels about people who say “I don’t have enough upper body strength for pole.”

But as a poler… god damn it I love this woman. She’s classy, cool, and smart as hell, but she’s also not a prudish “This is ART” poler. (No offense to those people but like… we all know this ish originated in stripping, and that’s fine! It doesn’t make you a stripper!)

[NB: I’ve never been a stripper. Contrary to the belief of literally all of my students, I started pole with a dang Groupon. But even I think we can all chill out a little on being sanctimonious about doing Pole FITNESS, NOT POLE DANCE.” That’s kind of insulting to strippers who are probably doing mad cool stuff on the pole too. As Nicole would say, we’re all pole sisters! Who cares what people’s day jobs are?]

Getting schooled on shoulder engagement

Anyway, here’s the thing: I just talked to one of my professors and showed him a close-to-finished cut, and he had lots of new suggestions. Hence, why I’m not ready to post yet. But then, as I reached into my bag on my very long Amtrak ride back into the city to get to work on said video… NO LAPTOP. I left it on my dining room table at home.

You know that horrible, sick ghosty feeling you get when you reach for something and it’s not there? Like your housekeys? Or your phone? Or your fricking laptop with 3 finals-projects-you-need-to-finish on it?

I had that feeling very severely.

So ANYWAY, I have to schlep the 6 hours home next weekend to get it, but meanwhile, no video yet 😦 But it’s coming! I swear! And look how cute Nicole is, seriously.

Hudson Valley Pole

This is her getting excited that I’m in an outside leg hang. (YES I AM STILL STRUGGLING WITH THIS. YES I HAD TO RESORT TO TAKING MY SHIRT OFF, I’M NOT PROUD).

Also, this is literally the first time I have ever worn a legitimate pole outfit! More on that later. Dragonfly sent me a set (ostensibly to write about on here), but that isn’t the one I’m wearing here… ***MYSTERIES***

I have opinions on Dragonfly, so if you have any of their stuff, I’d love your thoughts on it! (drop ’em below)

Other good stuff: while I’m in Uticrap–oops I mean Utica–NO I DON’T LOL–I get to see my little niece/nugget get baptized! She spits up like the Exorcist, but look how cute she is when she hiccups!!

My favorite scarf quite possibly will permanently smell like barf but I don’t even care you guys.

(Sorry for the vertical video, I was trying to isolate the blinding cuteness of this baby and leave the boring adult people out of it).

How’s everybody doing? Are we poling? Or are we taking a 2-month long hiatus because we’re tiiiiiiiired (*raises hand*).


Brb, 🔥🙌😎 (in Cali)

…which is less fun than it looks because I’ve mostly been in a conference room for two days. But for four hours yesterday? WHEEEEE, HOLLYWOOD.

Kinda wish I could hit BeSpun but 1, LeighAnn isn’t teaching and 2, no pole shorts. WHY IS LIFE SO HARD. Jk. But I’ll be back, BeSpun!!

My original favorite dancer
Taking the subway like a true new yorker
Another great dancer who has poled if the streetlamp in Singing in the Rain counts
this fucking sign is a mirage that disappears the closer you try to get to it. I DID MY BEST, FRIENDS
those strawberry shakes tho
Yassss, you better WORK Hollywood Blvd

The story of that time I dated a guy who turned out to have a live-in girlfriend and how it ruined my life for two years.

Because I don’t normally talk much about my relationships on here or otherwise, I immediately got a few direct messages when I shared the following on Facebook:

facebook status screencap

The first message I got was from a girl I know at work asking me for relationship advice and lamenting her many false-start situations.

And that’s when I felt like a hypocrite, because I shared my first truly HAPPY relationship experience (1 year and counting) and was treated like some kind of relationship guru, but I’ve never really talked about the 2+ year hell pit I was recently in as the result of some poor decision making and ill-informed ideas about men and relationships.

I don’t really talk about this because it doesn’t reflect super-positively on me. Who wants to be the girl that dated a guy with a girlfriend?? But it’s been about 3 years since this went down, and I feel like (especially being the ripe old age of “I don’t give a fuck” 30 anymore) I can be a little more objective and honest about it than I would have been a few years ago.

Summer 2012 227
The girl in this picture is about to be brutally dumped in like three hours. The baby looks like she knows!!

It will probably be too hard (and too painful) to try to tell this story from the beginning, so let me tell it with a series of mistaken beliefs I had at the time, that I’ve since learned from.

1. Anxiety/stress/fear=excitement/sexiness/love

I had worked with this guy (lets call him Colonel Asshat, CA for short) for a couple of years before I noticed him. Our company had been bought and moved up to a tiny corner of a high up floor in a spot that had no windows. I credit this dismal setting and deep intellectual and emotional boredom with why I let any toxic nonsense into my life in the first place, but ANYWAY. One day we had a “goodbye” party for yet another colleague who was leaving, and as I was talking to another guy I worked with, I looked up and saw CA staring at me. STARING. Like, noticed me looking back, and took a good 2.5 seconds to lower his gaze.

It was a unnerving.

It was a exciting.

I noticed him.

2. Thinking stopping/starting is a sign of progress

I had actually hear from CA for the very first time about year before we had ever spoken in person. I sent around a team email inviting everyone out for a get together I was having for my 25th birthday at a bellydance/hookah bar/club place, and he sent me back a surprisingly long, thoughtful email expressing curiosity about my interest in dance, and regretting he wouldn’t be able to make it. I wrote a short email back that he didn’t answer. That was that.

But after getting another random note from him a few days after the staring incident, I wondered–was this guy interested in me?

3. Thinking that “receiving” interest was the same as active pursuit

Within a few weeks we had a good thing going. We did bantering emails. It didn’t occur to me that I often started the conversations, because he was always quick to answer my gchats and emails with clever pictures and links to songs I should listen to.

I thought, wow, I never noticed this guy, but he’s cute and interesting. And he definitely seems to like me.

He sent a playlist, complete with this album art to shop up on my ipod when I played it. (No, I can’t listen to them anymore).


Thinking back on it though, I should have listened to the lyrics in some of the songs and been a little more worried. But hinsight’s 20/20. And he also sent me songs like this and this that give me hope.

4. Not seeing him not asking me out as a red flag

We bantered for WEEKS. MONTHS. Our conversations were super flirty. I caught him staring at me in meetings. We had cute banter about our lunches in front of the microwave in the breakroom. So why wasn’t he asking me out? It seemed obvious that sparks were flying and we liked each other. I couldn’t figure it out. But with how miserable the rest of my life was going (dead end, unstimulating job, near poverty-level pay (and I later found out that the men at my job doing the same role earned about 30k more than me), crappy living situation), I started really looking forward to seeing this guy and our fun, sexy interactions and to having a reason to get dressed up in the morning.

5. Mistaking anticipation for happiness

I lived for weekdays. I fantasized about conversations we would have–music we’d listen to at the same time at our desks, book recommendations, deep, dark secret sharing. It wasn’t until years later that I realized most of these conversations never happened, but I was still attached to the idea that one day we might have them.

6. Not immediately putting out resumes when I heard “I have a girlfriend but”

We had drinks after work one day, and the chemistry was unreal. I thought, this is it, this is the one. I thought, I’ve never experienced anything like this before, I have to say something. He’s got to be feeling it too. I sent him an email on a Friday afternoon (feeling brave knowing I wouldn’t see him until Monday) about how I felt like it was pretty obvious that I liked him, and I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t asking me out. I threw out the guess, the one that had started to creep up in the back of my mind. (hadn’t he said “we” about the last vacation he was telling coworkers about? “We” were going somewhere for a wedding?)

I said, “I mean, I’m almost wondering, do you have a girlfriend or something?”

And he said “Yes, but…”

And I got my things and left. But the train ride home I had the rest of his sentence echoing in my head.

“…but I can’t deny I feel it too, on an animal level.”

I went back to work on Monday determined not to speak to him again. I was livid that he had led me on. For WEEKS. MONTHS, even.

But excitement called. Attraction. Potential. I think more than anything I wanted to have something to look forward to. He wrote me a beautiful letter of apology and we started talking again. He said, “I never thought I could feel this way.” He said, “I’m not sure I ever fell in love with my girlfriend, things just kind of evolved.” He said, “I’m in so deep… I need to figure out a way to tell her it’s over that won’t hurt her.” He said, “If I’d met you first I would have married you.” He said, in a whisper outside of my favorite bar, “I love you.”

7. Believing the magical stories everybody else tells you

Even my mom tried to give me and CA and the benefit of the doubt. She could tell I was literally lovesick over this guy, totally miserable, but utterly convinced that I had simply found the exact right person at the wrong time. She told me a story about my cousin that had met his fiancee while they were both dating other people. “Sometimes the timing is just off,” she told me, “but try to do the right thing.”

Doing the right thing was something CA was also adamant about. He told me for weeks he was looking at apartments, so that he could pursue me “the way you deserved to be pursued.”

I alternated between feeling ecstatic and feeling a deep sense of dread. I was losing sleep at night, especially on weekends, constantly worrying that he might change his mind about me any minute. Constantly aware that I was being compared to somebody else he already had a history with. I was more and more attached to the idea of “our future” as he’d planned it with me: summer trips to the beach on long island, cool afternoons in museums, seeing his favorite bands in the village at night.

I believed the timing was bad, and it was going to get better. But icy panic was just below my most intense feelings of happiness and joy. A little voice in the back of my head said, “What if this just… stops?”

8. His girlfriend found out, and he lied to her, and I still managed to tell myself he was a good guy at heart

The story from him was, he lied to her about us because he didn’t want to hurt her. The subtext was he was good at lying, and comfortable doing it, and after months of promises, he still wasn’t breaking things off.

9. He lied about me too, and I still forgave him

She came to our work event uninvited. He hid like a coward while she confronted me in the bathroom. The story was that I came onto him, and that I was threatening him with sexual harassment at work. She had all our emails–full of mortifying innuendos and frank confessions–and she promised to send them to our entire office if I ever spoke to CA again. I blubbered like an idiot. All I managed to say was, “Did you see what he wrote to me?” I just couldn’t understand.

They left together that night, and they’re still together three years later–though it was touch and go that night. I got a text from him as I walked home alone, sobbing. It said, “You’ve ruined my life.”

10. Being so obsessed with winning of this moving target of a guy that I completely forgot to worry about my own wellbeing

Here’s what everybody thinks about being the other woman: that you’re getting the best of a man’s attention, time, relishing the destruction of his primary relationship, etc.

Here’s the truth: being the other woman is its own punishment. I wouldn’t wish how utterly alone I felt (for YEARS after this situation) on anyone. In fact, I felt pretty bad during the 6 months we were seeing each other too. It’s funny how a crappy relationship makes you need that relationship even more: you feel so shitty about yourself that the only thing that helps is attention from the person who’s hurting you.

In contrast to CA, who was never short on doting female attention and company, I always went home alone. I could never speak to him at nights or on weekends. I couldn’t bring myself to go on dates even when I knew I should, and I was too anxious and unhappy to enjoy time with friends.

I was always lonely. I was always on edge. I always had a knot of dread in the pit of my stomach, fear that I was never quite going to measure up and I was going to be left.

And then I was.

I won’t waste time describing what it feels like to face agonizing emotional pain for months at a time. But I would cry on my floor until I fell asleep, wake up, remember what happened, and cry in the shower getting ready for work. Rinse, repeat.

And of course I couldn’t tell anybody about what I was going through: I was ashamed of myself. Someone who must have known CA’s girlfriend (or was her) left nasty comments on my blog calling me a dumb slut and a sidepiece. It legitimately felt like I had ruined my life irreparably, and I didn’t know what to do with myself.

My friends told me he must be hurting too, but it was never an even playing field, even after I was dumped (which happened, by the way, happened officially over gchat while visiting my sister in another state who just had a newborn). CA never had to feel lonely. He never had to feel unwanted. But, I think, he probably also never learned what I did: to be alone, to comfort myself, to pick up the pieces and move on and start over, even with a broken heart and no faith and no hope.

So that’s my story. But there’s a new one in the works: the story of how I met somebody who always just liked me, who said the words, “I want to date you” up front, who has followed through on every word with actions, who has never left me alone even during fights, who has never made promises he didn’t keep.

It would be nice if I could go back and wipe my slate clean–be a little stronger and more sure of myself, and reject the praise and the promises and the bad poetry and the playlists. But what’s done is done.

Yo, a DUDE wrote this: “…To Managers of Women”

Not pole related, but definitely tough woman related.

Can y’all relate to this?

I’ve heard a few times after I left jobs that as many as three people were hired to do the work I had done, and they each cost a lot more money… which pisses me off. Why can’t a b*** get a raise?? Like damn.
